“Short ode to being a person of color”

Oh how fun it is to get followed by the security guard every where you go. From the supermarket to the toilet. Oh what fun! Yes!! I am to be rejected over and over again while searching for an apartment because the first thing they see is your color, not your eyes. Such fun being of a darker hue. You will not allow me the simple things in life. Things I might add that you enjoy. You know superficial things like: the gait of entitlement or the smell of a cleaner neighborhood… But you will allow me to be your sexual amusement park because: ‘You’ve heard that….’ I regale in the choice of being a colored person. I did not make that choice but I am happy to embrace it with all its twists and turns. Oh and yes. Those nay Sayers who claim that I’m exaggerating, or ‘Stop putting the race card out!’ I ask you; ‘When was the last time your skin was of a chocolate hue and you did not acquire that from the sun bank?’

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